Brikks is a thrilling, Tetris-style tabletop game for two or more players. To start, each player draws a different quadromino at the bottom of their individual game sheet. On a turn, the active player rolls two dice – a colored d6 and a numbered d4 – then optionally rolls both dice again. The two dice determine which colored shape and orientation all players must place into their grid. If you cover a circle on the grid that's the same color as the quadromino just placed there, you collect two energy points. Spend one energy point to rotate the quadromino, or five energy points to place the quadromino of your choice. Collecting Xs on the energy chart increases your extra point bar. Completing 2-4 lines through the placement of a single quadromino gives you 1-4 Xs for the extra point bar. Each player has three bombs they can spend to blow up a block instead of placing it, but it will cost them endgame points. The game is over when the grid is filled to the top, and each player tallies their points. Points are awarded for lines with 8-10 Xs, with points doubling or quadrupling as you go higher. In addition to the extra points bar and any bombs unused, the player with the most points wins! Brikks also contains rules for duel and solitaire modes.